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 about farrity

Farrity wants to contribute to the change in the fashion industry that shows some companies  choosing a fairer and more ethical way to create their items, including paying fairer wages to workers and using eco-friendly materials.  It also wants to add to the changing perception of fair trade and ethical clothing as somewhat ‘unfashionable’ and  expensive, showing off products that are worthy of the dollar, in more ways than one! 

As such, this blog acts as a platform to present good quality items that could be categorised as one or more of the following:
Fairtrade; fair trade; sustainable; organic; recycled or uses these materials; handmade; eco-friendly; animal friendly; upcycled; vegan.   

Ethical clothing is not the easiest to define, but the reason that they are featured on this blog should be noted, however if you have any questions please get in touch. 

To promote those fabulous and fairer products out there.

I am an avid tea lover and am as enthusiastic about shopping as I am about fashion journalism.   I revel in noting items that are nice to wear and nice to produce (fair trade), have a passion for ethical items and love a good fashion and travel blog.  I love perusing the internet for new blogs and love to hear from readers and fellow bloggers, so please…

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Enjoy and explore the articles, images, interviews and reviews on this blog and please get in touch, would love to hear from you! 

Thank you for reading my blog!

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